TC Madikane, President of SAAE 2024 – 2026

In accordance with the SAAE Constitution, a new Executive Committee had to take office after the 2024 AGM. In April Fellows were invited to nominate Fellows for election to Exco. President Neil Macleod and Past President Prof Elsabe Kearsley have served the maximum number of four terms on Exco and could therefore not be re-elected. Ms Anita Loots, Mr Hangwani Makwarela and Dr Christine Render were not available for re-election. Fifteen Fellows were nominated and during an electronic election which took place in May 2024 the following Fellows were elected to serve on the Exco for the period 2024 – 2026:

Boje, Prof Edward PrEng, FSAAE, MIEEE, BScEng (Electrical) MScEng PhD.

Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town.

Jandrell, Prof Ian PrEng FSAAE FSAIEE SMIEEE BSc(Eng)Electrical GDE (Electrical) PhD (Wits).

 Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Systems and Operation at Wits University.

Jerling, Werner Pr Eng Pr CPM FSAAE FSAICE FIWISA Professional Member IMESA BIng (Civil) B Comm MSc (International Construction Management) Cum Laude (Bath).

Chief Executive Officer, ASLA Construction, Western Cape.

Lutchman, Vishaal PrEng FSAAE FSAICE FICE, Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering BSc Eng (Civil) MBA and Post Grad Diploma in Management M Phil(UJ).

CEO, SAICE Managing Director, Transport Zutari.

Madikane, TC Pr Eng FSAAE FSAIEE, National Diploma in Electrical Engineering BSc Eng Diploma in Business Management (Natal).

Managing Director, Igoda Projects (Pty) Ltd KwaZulu-Natal.

Moyo, Prof Pilate PrEng FSAAE MSAICE BScEng (Hons) Civ Eng MSc Structural Eng PhD Structural Eng (Nanyang).

Professor of Structural Engineering and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town.

Naidoo, Prof Pathmanathan PrEng FSAAE FSAIEE SMIEEE BEng (Electrical Engineering) MSc (Electrical Engineering) PhD (Da Vinci Institute) MBA (Samford, USA).

Visiting Professor of Practice and Secretariat of the Industry Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg. 

Perrie, Bryan PrEng FSAAE MSAICE, BSc (Eng)(Civil) MSc (Eng) (Witwatersrand).

CEO Cement and Concrete Institute.

Pienaar, Dr Pine PrEng FSAAE FSAICE BEng (Civil Eng) BEng (Hons)(Civil Eng) MEng (Civil Eng) PhD (Pretoria).

Consultant at Mintirho Engineering Services Gauteng.

Reinders, Felix PrEng, FSAAE, HonFSAIAE, HonFSABI, BSc Engineering 1979 (Pretoria).

Retired Programme Manager: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering at the Agricultural Research Council’s Institute for Agricultural Engineering. Gauteng.


In accordance with the SAAE Constitution the outgoing Exco elected Fellow TC Madikane as President and Fellow Felix Reinders as Vice-President for the period 2024 -2026